Friday, February 7, 2014

Photoshop Challenge

Welcome to the all new "Photoshop Challenge!"  These are optional challenges to test your developing Photoshop skills.  The winner of the challenge will be voted on by the class every Friday during the "Friday Show and Tell."  The winner will receive a free 6" sub provided by our generous local supports at the Millinocket Subway.  Eat Fresh! :)

The first challenge.  Improve the setting of this photo.  The team in front of the goal post looks fine, but a big white post sticking up from the middle of the team doesn't really look that impressive.  Copy the image to photoshop and see if you can improve the setting.  Use the second photo for the back ground setting.  Make it look as realistic as possible.

Use this as the background image

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Project Ideas

This is just a partial list of project ideas for our Digital Design class.  You don't have to do any of these necessarily.  Just the ones listed as mandatory.

Add Yourself - This is a fun idea.  Find a famous scene from a movie or history and insert yourself into the scene.  Try to make it look as real as possible.  Here are some examples:  (Various project ideas are randomly skattered.  Keep scrolling.  I'll try to organize them later.)

See if you can find Lily (top right)

This was a great job by Sydney.

This is Tia's "3D Text"

 It's hard to tell on a flat screen, but the bullet was created by Justin Santerre using 3D techniques. 

Tyson Tracy did the twisty thing above starting from a pen mark or two.

 The 10 Differences project was fun as a beginner's project.
Can you spot at least 10 differences?

Tia did a great job with this animation project

Holiday themed images are always fun.  Ben Buffington did a great job on this one.

Look closely at Jordan Cullen's image above.  Things lurk in the shades.

 Joe Did this project using a Chinese Tutorial.  Came out great!
 Filter Fantasy Projects

 This image was created from a real photo.  This can be a really fun project too.

Hard to spot, but Tyson Tracy is in this last photo.